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Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Terbaru, Terlengkap dan Terbaik

bdilah, Rudi Kafil Yamin : The symbol of nature in Percy Bysshe Shelley's ode to the west wind and K.H.Mustofa Bisri's kepada penyair.

Aeni, Rif'atul : Translating English inflectional affixes indicating tense marker into Indonesian in novel the holy woman By Qaisra Shahraz.

Afifah, Delia : Speech act analysis in Sacha Stevenson's satire in how to act Indonesian video.

Agustina, Nanda : Onomatopoeia in Spiderman Death and Destiny Comics.

Ahmad, Luthfi Abdul Aziz : Slang language in Super Troopers 2 Movie.

Ajie, Rifa Refiana : Gender identity dilemma through the character of einar wegener in the danish girl movie script.

Al Islamy, Muhammad Ikhwan Ridho : The use and exchange values from La La Land movie scenario transformed into tote bag design for team creator.

Alawiyah, Syifa Hanifa : Thriller formula in Dan Brown's Angels and Demons.

Alfariji, Muhamad : The depression experienced by Rachel Watson as the main character in Paula Hawkin's novel The Girl on The Train.

Algifari, dkk, Adnan : Indah langit Indonesia ke semesta raya Arab. Penerbit Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, Cibiru, Bandung. ISBN 978-623-7179-06-1

Alvianita, Gia : Plot adaptation of the Da Vinci Code from novel to film.

Amalia, Desi : The translation of Indonesian Passive Voice into English in Novel 9 Summers 10 Autumns by Iwan Setyawan translated by Maggie Tiojakin.

Amalia, Shita Juliana Dwi : Women's language features used by Hillary Clinton in formal and informal situations.

Amalina, Filza Nur : The Perspective Of BBC and Al Jazeera on bombing attacks in Surabaya: A Critical Discourse Analysis.

Andriani, Wuri : Satire as tool to represent industry in Roald Dahls Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Anggriaeni, Anisa Dewi : Sexism and narrative structure in online media Magdalene co.

Aprianti, Reza Silvia : The differences of using possessive adjective and possessive pronoun through truth meaning in the most dangerous game.

Aprilia, Nisa Kardinesa : Language shift in Bandung's beauty care product's names.

Apriliani, Salma Fitri : Hard-boiled detective fiction formula in David Fincher's Se7en movie (1995).

Arifin, Fitra Mutiara Setiani : Mood in Film The Shawshank Redemption (1994) Through Lighting Elements and Words Description.

Arkasa, Nijar Reyner Silvanda : Presupposition in Awkarin's Instagram Caption.

Asmarani, Asmarani : Language style among characters in different social classes in crash movie.

Aulia, Ajeng Mutiara Syifa : The use of dirty words to show impoliteness in Islamopobia social experiment YouTube content.

Aurini, Selma Rosanti : Hero's archetypes in "Django Unchained" movie script by Quentin Tarantino.

Awaludin, Dejan : Ideological stance of Justin Trudeau's Speech at The United Nations General Assembly.

Azisi, Noer : A comparative study of thanking strategies used by the selected American and British Actors in their Oscar acceptance speech.

Azizah, Anis Nur : Linguistic sign of the English translation of Surah Ar-Rahman by Abdullah Yusuf Ali.

Azizah, Fitri Nur : The lexical relation in Surah Ar-Rahman in The Nobel Qur'an English translation by Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Muhammad Taqi-ud Din al-Hilali.

Azizah, Isma Nur : The integration from English to Indonesian in Politician Tweets.

Azzahra, Hijfa : Contrastive analysis of verb phrase in English and Indonesian newspaper.

Berlian, Herinda : Comparative analysis in sympathy strategies between English and Indonesian BBC News and TV One News YouTube Comments.

Betany, Nadya : Classical detective formula in Agatha Christie's they do it with mirrors.

Dahlianawati, Dahlianawati : Connotative meaning in the social articles of The Jakarta Globe January Edition 2019.

Damanik, Eka Ayu Narandana : The construction of detective story in Doyle's Study In Scarlet & Christie's The Mysterious Affair at Styles.

Devi, Della Frisca : Politeness strategies in talk show used by Anggun C. Sasmi and Taylor Swift.

Dewi, Ratna : Wordplay in humor videos on @Hasanjr11 Instagram account.

Dinangun, Dhiyaa Syifa Ariibah : An analysis of expressive perlocutionary act of main character's utterances in Sausage Party Movie :.

el Averous, Raushan Fikran : Messages in Initial, Daemonic, and Celestial Love.

Fadhlullah, Arkaanazmi Ahmad : The role of metonymy in constructing context from murder case in Jakarta Post's online newspaper.

Fathurohman, Muhammad : The differences of code switching used by male and female in Ini Talkshow TV Program.

Fauziyyah, Silmi : The local color in Leila Aboulela's Minaret.

Febriyanti, Indri Fitria : Phonological Interference of Indonesian Celebrities Speaking English on Youtube Videos.

Firdaos, Asep Agung : A moral message of Aladdin�s characterization in burton�s the arabian nights entertainment.

Firdaus, Yogi Muhamad : Analysis of Metaphor in Michael Jackson Song Lyric in the History Album.

Gumelar, Muhamad Bagja : Derivational affixation process in the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's speech at the West Point Military Academy, New York 22 september 2014.

Gunawan, Indra : Word formation of football terms in the Football Manager : game.

Hafiz, Abdul : Off record strategy on the comment of netizens in CNN tweets.

Haq, Azka Saeful : Mental Process in Leonidas'Utterances from 300 Movie Script.

Harahap, Rahmawati : Symbol on battle title of role-playing games of google play.

Haryati, Ikeu : The psychopath of Mal'akh in Dan Brown's the lost symbol.

Hatta, Riffa : Personality factors in the movie: Parfume the story of murderer.

Herdianti, Yusi : The exploitation of woman's body in Lady Chatterley's lover by D.H Lawrence.

Herdiany, Revy : Round and flat characters in selected short stories.

Hidayat, Irfan : Original metaphor in death songs lyric.

Hizbullah, M Ikhwan Hazim : Naming characters and their names's associative meaning in the "Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them" movie script.

Iman, Aini Nurul : Word formation in English slang words used in the late late show.

Indiraphasa, Nuriel Shiami : Persuasive language in Maybelline Advertisement.

Indriyani, Nova : The representation of moral values through characters in Wonder novel.

Istikomah, Ade Lia : Politeness strategies in the public figures instagram comments. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

Isyam, Firda Gania : The study of onomatopoeia in science fiction webtoon entitled the gamer.

Jamilah, Nadiyah Shalihah Maryam : Implicature in Humor Used in CollegeHumor's Vlog.

Jannah, Ayu Churiyatul : Jared identity formation in Joel Edgerton's movie script boy erased.

Kartasasmita, Lita Dianti : Metaphor in Green Day song lyric of American Idiot Album.

Kurniawan, Anggi : The Metaphor used in Emily Dickinson's poems.

Kurniawati, Kurniawati : The masculinity and the heroine of clarice starlin in the silence of the lambs movie script.

Kusyaman, Deyani Safitri : The Classification of Swearwords in Instagram Comments Column of @farrahabraham Account. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati.

khaerin, iftah : Interference in adjective orders on students writing of English departement UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

Larasati, Seruni Nurani : An Analysis of Compliment And Its Responses Used By The Characters in The Age of Adeline 2015 Movie.

Latifahsari, Intan Ari : The sign of paganism reflected in album 13 Black Sabbath.

Lestari, Ria Puji : Foreignization and domestication translation of Indonesian cultural expressions in Mochtar Lubis's sendja di Djakarta in claire holt's twilight in Djakarta.

Maelan, Lusiyana : Hyperbole in the lyric of Ariana Grande's songs on the Album �Yours Truly�.

Maesaroh, Mamay Siti : An analysis of idioms in The Five People You Meet In Heaven By Mitch Albom.

Mahdalena, Mahdalena : The representation of Beauty in shampoo advertisement.

Maia, Eustaquio : Reference in Bon Jovi's in have a nice day song album.

Mansyur, Rivali Mutaqin : An analysis of directive illocutionary act in Coco Movie by Lee Unkrich.

Marina, Marina : Idiomatic expression in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.

Maula, Ifa Farhatul : Independent woman of Lisbeth Salander in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Movie (2011).

Maulana, Ega : The violation of grice's cooperative principles and searle's felicity conditions as elements of creating verbal humor in the film Deadpool 2.

Maulana, Risal : Hate speech Indication in Geertz Wilder's Speech.

Mawar, Mega : Positive and negative connotative meaning in Barack Obama's inaugural address and farewell address.

Mirandani, Ikbal : Representative illocutionary acts in Donald Trump's inauguration speech.

Mudawam, Ahmad : Sign and meaning of icons in CorelDraw X7 toolbox.

Muhtari, Rida Fitrah : Convention and invention of romance plot in the shape of water movie script by Guillermo Del Toro and Vanessa Taylor.

Muludi, Riza Rahayu : A comparative study: Ironic functions in literary works.

Munfarikah, Sitti : The negative stereotyping towards Asian woman in David H. Hwang's play M.Butterfly.

Mustika, Dini : Symbol of Love and Death in Christina Rossetti's Six Poem.

Mustofa, Ula Laila : The aspect of naturalism in Stephen Crane's the red badge of courage.

Nadyah, Itsni Fauzyah : An analysis of interjection translation technique and its meaning on 5 cm film.

Nugraha, Desyani Septria : Directives expression of Surah An-Nisa in the English translation collaboration of the Quran by Dr. Muhammad Taqi-Ud-Din Al-Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan.

Nugraha, Eggy Dwi Indra : Turn-taking in interview TV program "Catatan Najwa-Umpan Lambung David Beckham" on youtube.

Nurfadhillah, Vitya Eka : Jordan Belfort's ambition in the wolf of wall street's memoir book.

Nurfauziah, Adinda : Exploring powerful and persuasive aspects of Zakir Naik's Statements in Indonesia: Experiential metafunctional analysis.

Nurhadi, Deni Sepna : Racism and stereotype in get out movie script by Jordan Peele.

Nurhakimah, Silvi : Hero in Adventure of Spider-Man Homecoming: 2017.

Nurhasanah, Indah : Translating zakah terms in English translation of Bulugh Al-Maram.

Nurhidayati, Juarni Ai : The analysis phatic function and context of Ryan toys review youtube channel.

Nurjajijah, Deti : Slang language in Happy Death Day 2017 movie.

Perdana, Novandari : Non-competitive overlap in conversation of The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon.

Pratiwi, Pratiwi : Connotative meaning in Harris J Song Lyrics.

Pratiwi, Rizky Amalia : Classical mythic love stories in stephen chbosky and evan spiliotopoulo's "Beauty and The Beast" movie script.

Purnamasari, Betina Oky Dwi : Women�s oppression and struggle in the movie Suffragette and Iron Jawed Angels.

Puspitasari, Futri : The user understanding of Instagram's GIF in social media based on Saussure's semiotics.

Putra, Dwiki Anggara : The plot of time travel in predestination :.

Putri, Restiani Hambali : Symbol of characters and illusion of reality in Tennessee Williams The Glass Menagerie.

Putri, Sheila Nabilla : Apology strategies used by characters in Cameron's Titanic.

Qurotin, Ainun : The representation of Islamic values in Bilal: A new breed of hero movie a semiotic analysis.

Rahayu, Rini : The roles of Sophie Neveu in Dan Brown's the Da Vinci Code Novel.

Rahmadania, Deswita : Language style of main character in Coco Movie.

Rahmani, Devani Alisyia : The advertisement language in persuasive captions of @jeffreestarcosmetics and @kyliecosmetics instagram accounts.

Rahmanita, Astri Thea : The analysis of prepositional phrase in the novel The Perfect Nany written by Leila Slimani.

Rahmawati, Atik : Semantic transparency and opacity of Wardah cosmetic product copytext.

Ramadhan, Ganjar : Language functions of Willy Loman's utterances in drama script Death of A Salesman by Arthur Miller.

Ramadhan, Intan Ihsanul : Contrastive analysis of complement in CNN Indonesia and VOA News.

Ramadhanti, Fadhilah Nur : The judges' compliments in semi-final seasons of Britain's Got Talent show 2018.

Riandy, Riandy : Orientalism discourse and ambivalence of carlyle in representing Mahomet character and Islam in Lecture II Hero as Prophet. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

Rinjiali, Rudi : Social conflict of the main character as an upper class in Charles Dickens' a christmas carol novel.

Rohman, Muhamad Abdul : The constructions of noun phrase in political articles in The Jakarta Post.

Rosadi, Elda Mnemonica : Sexual deviation in The Zoo Story Playscript by Edward Albee.

Rosalia, Bella : Clipping Words in Caption of Instagram.

Rosidah, Dini : Propaganda and political struggles in Dan Brown�s deception point.

Rusdianti, Alisya : Comparative study: Characters and characterization in twilight movie, twilight movie script, Dascandants of The Sun drama, and Descendants of The Sun drama script.

Salsabila, Rizka : The thriller formula in Don't Breathe Film by Fede Alvarez.

Sari, Erlin Novita : The Representation, Woman Character Influences, and Moral Value in R. J Palacio's Wonder.

Septiana, Raden Mohammad Rizki : The violation of politeness principle in the case study of UFC 229 press conferences: Khabib vs McGregor.

Setiawati, Eulis : The Western domination of the East as represented in James Cameron's Avatar.

Sintiasari, Lilis : The psychopathic disorder in saw (2004) movie script written by James Wan and Leigh Whannell.

Solihah, Euis Siti Nuril Ibadiah : The proletariat�s vindication of their rights within the bourgeousie�s power in Kevin Kwan�s novel crazy rich Asian.

Solihin, Dea : The use of prepositional phrase in Cosmopolitan's Beauty article online.

Suhaeni, Siti Nani : Conversational implicature used Humor in Central Intelligence Movie.

Sujinah, Reni : Social conflicts on characters in Hot Fuzz and Hangout Movie Script.

Sumarsono, Rheza Adhitya : The representation of ideal American Hero in Mark Twains The Adventure of Tom Sawyer. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati.

Susilawati, Resti : Refusal strategies of love between male and female in Hollywood romance movies.

Syahrina, Fauzia Ulpa : The representation of femininity and female masculinity characters of Lady Diana based on her interview with BBC1 Panorama Programme.

Taufik, Cecep : Characters and characterization in selected short stories by Juliana Horatia Ewing.

Tauviqka Rahma, Fauzia : Politeness strategy in the traditional conversation of Buckingham Palace in The King's Speech movie script.

Thamara, Reyka Septy : Semantic relation of dynamic verbs in Sami Yusuf's album My Ummah.

Tresnasih, Risna : Morphophonological changes contained in the words of middle and modern English version in selected poems.

Tsauri, Muhammad : Compound words analysis in the great gatsby novel.

Ulfah, Novia Nurul : Heroine's archetype and journey in Wonder Woman movie.

Ulfah, Yulia : Conversational flouting maxims in the adventures of Tintin Comic: The secret of the unicorn and red rackham's treasure.

Ummah, Wafa Tazkiatul : Morphophonological changes of English Loanwords in Esperanto Incubus Movie.

utami, meli aulia : Rhetorical appeal form and woman language features in emma watson speech �gender equality is your issue too� for un in heforshe campaign 2014. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

Verara, Revita Sari Berliani : Deictic expressions in The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Wulandari, Sri Retno : The portrayal of women and the idealized woman in Qaisra Shahraz's the holy woman.

Yuliawati, Yuliawati : An analysis of contextual meaning in various allah's pronoun in surah ya-sin english version. 

 Afifah, Yunisa Nur : The Use of Deixis in Abdullah Yusuf Ali's the Holy Qur'an English Translation on Suah Al-Kahf.

Agustina, Primanita Rizki : Woman Equality In Emma Watson's Speech : Woman Equality Is Your Issue Too.

Aini, Tanissa Nur : Word Formation Process in English Food Menu at Warunk Upnormal.

Alimi, Syahrul : Methaphorical translation in subtitle of the dark knight rises movie.

Anwar, Desi : Onomatopoeic Words in Webtoon Siren's Lament by Instantmiso.

Apriliyanti, Yeni : Command speech acts in Nawal El-Shaadawi's novel woman at point zero.

Aprizal, Hasbi : Types and meanings of idiomatic expressions in the Bon Jovi's song lyrics. Diploma thesis, UIN SUNAN GUNUNG DJATI.

Ariah, Riski Z.S : Language styles in Siren's Lament webcomics.

Aulia, Anisa : Conveying intention through vulgar content songs: a transitivity analysis of Bruno Mars's songs. Masters thesis, UIN Sunan Gungung Djati Bandung.

Awalia, Nadia Nur : Comparative analysis of the perfection value concept between the main character of cinderella and the novel panah asmara srikandi.

Azizah, Syifa Sofiani : The illocutionary act analysis in Up and Out's webcomic by Julia Kaye.

Br Sagala, Liani Hasnita Ulfa : The analysis of conversational implicature in The Great Gatsby (2013) movie. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

Cahyani, Ica : The analysis of compound english words in Asia Busindo hotel.

Chika Febi Eka, Oktavianti : Adaptation of Agatha Christie's Novels' Titles from English into Bahasa Indonesia.

Destiawan, Nuraini : The representation of myth in culture of four countries on eat, pray, love movie.

El Sarah, Ratu Nadhirah : Analysis of the translation of noun phrases in Joe Navarro's louder than words.

Fadhilah, Nadia Nur : The Social COnflict of The Character in Nathaniel Hawthorne's Novel The Scarlet Letter.

Fatahurozy, Bilal : The defense mechanism and conflict of protagonist and deuteragonist character in completing their mission in "Pirates of the Caribbean: the curse of the black pearl" and "Django Unchained" movie.

Fathaninda, Lulu : The masculinity on heroine character in Resident Evil's movie.

Fatinita, Aretha : Deixis in documentary film of one direction this is us.

Fauziah, Eva : Morphological Process of Derivational Words in the Jakarta Globe Online Newspaper.

Fazrurrohman, Ahmad Satria : Swear words in zootopia movie sript written by Jared Bush & Phil Johnston.

Febrian, Nopi : Sexuality of Women Characters in Ayu Utamis Saman and D.H Lawrences Lady Chatterley's Lover.

Ghifari, Mohammad Rahadian : A syntactic analysis on the english translation of Surah Al-Qiyamah using theory of Tree Diagrams.

Gustika, Eka Adi : Social justice representation in Bob Marley's Selected Song lyrics.

Haerul, Anwar Firman : Indonesian - English code mixing used in Ika Natassa's novel the architecture of love.

Halim, Shofa Lanima : The transformation of Noah and its relation to White Supremacy between Biblical Traditions and Darren Aronofsky's Noah.

Hamdani, Ramdhan : Translation analysis of idiomatic expression in Pitch Perfect : and Pitch Perfect 2 :.

Handayani, Hesti : The Analysis of Antonymy Types in Orange Marmalade Webtoon.

Hanifah, Fathimah Azzahro : The violation of cooperative principle by man and woman presidential candidate:A case in second presidential debate United States of America 2017 between Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Haydar, Muhamad : The form of defamiliarization of setting in tim Burton's Sweeney Todd: Demon Barber in Fleet Street movie script.

Herdiana, Hilda : The characteristic male and female language use in of La La Land 2016 movie.

Iqbal, Muhammad : Analysis on Implicature Found in The Legend Film.

Islahudin, Islahudin : Semiotic analysis of memes on the issue of Trump's claim on Jerusalem.

Jannah, Hilyatul : Relative clause in the Jakarta Post articles.

Julian, Muhamad Lendri : Culture shock experienced by Dre Parker in The Karate Kid (2010) movie.

Kamil, Yadi Abdulah : Hegemony of the political party in George Orwell's ninety eighty four novel.

Karmila, Nurfika Siti : The use of nonverbal communication in David Seidler's movie script the king's speech.

Khairantisari, Nurul : Gesture as Representation of Human Fear in Don't Breathe : Movie Script.

Kurnia, Bei : The speech act of requesting in Liar Liar movie.

Kusumah, Adhi Dharma : Modality in the capt meets the mighty John Petrucci (dream theater) video.

Lafifah, Hilya Shally : The Usage of Word Classes in Line Group Chats of Bandung Kpop Community.

Lestari, Rina : Interpersonal meaning of reviews between clients and conversational receptionist company.

Liatiyani, Ratu Iklima : Dominic Toretto's Journey as a Hero in The Fate of the Furious Movie.

Listiyana, Ayu Kartika : Rhetorics in The Opening of Addresses by Soekarno and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the Asia and Africa Conference.

Mahi M. Hikmat, Mahi : Jurnalistik: Literary Journalism. Prenadamedia Group, Jakarta. ISBN 978-602-422-289-5

Mahi M. Hikmat, Mahi : Kampanye Jitu dalam PILKADA Perspektif Komunikasi Politik Pada Masyarakat Jawa Barat. Jaringan Masyarakat Peduli Demokrasi, Bandung. ISBN 987-602-50653-1-6

Mairanda, Refagita Friskova : Woman representation in Donald Petrie's Miss Congeniality and Mcg's Charlie's Angels.

Mania, Wisa : The politeness strategies of the child character ted wiggins in Dr. Seuss the lorax movie.

Meliawati, Wilda : Degree of intimacy and transactional status as social factors in addressing term used in Breathe movie.

Milak, Ulum Saepul : English Adjunct on Football News in The Jakarta Post.

Muktapa, Muh Irfhan : Hero effect in inferno movie: a mystery genre.

Mutiarani, Imut : An Analysis of Presupposition in Nawal El-Saadawi's Novel Woman at Point Zero.

Nekita, Fitrotul : Deixis analysis of Paramore lyrics in brand new eyes album.

Nuraeni, Gita : Directive Speech Acts in Kungfu Panda (2008).

Nuraeni, Heni : A Morphosemantic Analysis of English Borrowing Word in Matahari Novel by Tere LIye.

Nurdiana, Vivi : The analysis of compound words in English store�s name in Bandung Indah Plaza Mall.

Nurdin, Hasan : The Analysis of Deixis in Soekarno's Speech of Asian and African Conference 1955.

Nurjaman, Sidik : The swear words used in pewdiepie�s vlog.

Nurlatifah, Ilma : The analysis of nonverbal communication in Nine Live movie.

Nurliani, Ina : Types of Sentence in Taylor Swifts Song Lyrics in Reputation Album.

Nurmalia, Nida : Women Education in Louisa May Alcott's Little Women and in Pramoedya Ananta Toer's Bumi Manusia.

Oktaviani, Neng Riska : Body image of women and idealized beauty in the you C1000 advertisement.

Pangestu, Bayu Bagus : Absurdism in Spongebob Squarepants episode club Spongebob.

Pratiwi, Nur Laili : English students' understanding on computer brand's slogan.

pratiwi, mutia : Symbol as the way to deliver message in Mother! movie.

Rachmawati, Nur : Connotative meaning in economic article of The Jakarta Post.

Rahmah, Selik Zakiyah : Power and Ideology of Donald Trump's Inauguration Speech: Critical Discourse Analysis.

Rahman, Dafiqi : Sarcasm as Humor in J.D. Salinger�s Novel The Catcher in the Rye. Diploma thesis, Adab dan Humaniora.

Rahmawati, Irma : Word formation and meaning of slang found in Fast and Furious 7th Movie.

Ramdhan, Agus Muhammad : The translation of Inside Islam.

Rini, Iis : Compound words on sport articles in New York Times Online Newspaper.

Rizky, Iqbal : A phonetic contrastive analysis of English and Thai in consonant sound.

Rodiah, Ai : Praise and blame as the portrayal of Holy Qur'an's moral values in Minaret by Leila Aboulela.

Rohmaniyah, Siti : Transitivity Analysis on Sexist Statements in he Novel A Song of Ice and Fire : A Clash of Kings.

Rohmat, Rohmat : Hard-Boled Detective Formula in A Game of Shadows Movie.

Rusli, Nurhapita : Woman-role in The Iron Lady.

SAMIDAH, SAMIDAH : Persuasive Language in Insurance Advertisement.

Santika, Putri Nuranisa : Direct speech method and ideology of translation in Khaled Hosseini�s novel �The Kite Runner�.

Santika, Ragam : Social Deixis in The King's Speech Movie Script.

Saputra, Muhammad Fandi : Semantic transparency and opacity of Mc Donalds product's names.

Sarimarsa, Latifah : The Main Character's Neurotic Problem In Daniel Keyes Flower For Algernon.

Sidik, Fajar : Inner and outer conflicts of Dorian Gray in Oscar Wild's The Picture Of Dorian Gray.

Supartika, Ati : Race equality in Michael Jackson's selected song lyrics.

Supartini, Pipit : The portrayal of muslim in the visitor (2007) movie script.

Suprapto, Adeline Yunita : Multiple personality disorder of the main character in Daniel Keyes' novel the mind of Billy Milligan.

Suryadipura, Mochamad Kharis : The symbol of sadness in Michael Buble's "it's time" album.

sani, nur firda : Sexual deviation of main character in E.L James Novel Fifty Shades of Grey.

Taibat, Zidni Binta : The principle of language use politeness in Steve Harvey's talk show with Moeslem as guest star.

Tajul Afandi, Jehan Ahmad : Socio-political Issues in George Orwell's Animal Farm. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

Thoyyibah, Nidya Amalia : The Unit Shift Analysis on Noun Phrase in Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone Novel and Its Translation.

Tresnasih, Ratih : Politeness strategies in an interview between Desi Anwar and Queen of Denmark Margrethe II on CNN Indonesia insight with Desi Anwar program.

Wulandari, Asti : Derivational affixes in English and Sundanese: A contrastive Analysis.

Zahrotunnisa, Irma : The hegemony of fascism in George Orwell's 1984.

Zakiyah, Husna : Sign of racism analysis on ecntral intelligence movie.

Zulfa, Siti : Word Formation of Hotel Terms in Housekeeping Passport Book. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

 Abubakar, Bani Harun : Figurative language used in Mr.Big�s Big Bigger Biggest. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

Achmi, Lisa Sulistiani : The changing Characterization of Okonkwo in Chinua Achebe�s Things Fall Apart.

Adawiyah, Rahayu El : The struggle to reject women stereotype of popular culture in pitch perfect 2.

Ainul Mubarok M Y, M Ali Akbar : Race Equality in Sherman Alexie�s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

Aisi, Muti : Readers� understanding of Darkness Symbol in Mary Shelley�s Frankenstein.

Alif, Ashrofil : Deixis analysis in God Must be Crazy Movie Script.

Almukarromah, Rosanah : An analysis of speech act in alice through the looking glass movie script.